
ホロホロ 【holo.holo】

1. vi. To go for a walk, ride, or sail; to go out for pleasure, stroll, promenade. Holoholo wale, ride anywhere or aimlessly, stray. He pule holoholo ʻana, a continuous prayer. E holoholo ana ma ka mahina ʻai, walking in the garden. hoʻo.holo.holo To take someone out for a drive or excursion; to escort; to help walk, as a child or invalid. Hoʻoholoholo waʻa, to sail canoes.

2. nvt. Basting; to baste, sew. hoʻo.holo.holo Caus/sim.; to make large running stitches. Lopi hoʻoholoholo, basting thread.

3. nvi. A net into which fish run (holoholo) after being frightened; to fish with this net.

4. nvi. An old Hawaiian game of kicking a ball to which feathers were attached; to play this game.

Hawaiian Dictionary (Pukui/Elbert dictionary) Copyright© by University of Hawaiʻi Press

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